Would You Use A TV Mirror?

TV mirror showing the mirror

Do you know what a TV mirror is? How about a mirror TV? Well you know it’s to do with a TV so in the situation where you want a large new TV but you don’t want the room overpowered by a large screen, then you should opt for a mirror TV. I had never heard the expression although it does make sense – it just means that a special mirror is mounted in front of the TV to hide the fact it is a TV. In other words a hidden TV! The mirrors are very special and made to allow the light from the television to pass through when the TV is operating and to act as a mirror when the TV is off. Mirror TV’s … [read more]

Category: Anything Else, Mirrors
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Planning New Glass Shower Doors?

Stylish Glass Shower Doors

Planning to get rid of that shower curtain and replace it with a funky glass shower door? Here’s some important and not so important things to consider on your journey to a more stylish bathroom.

The first thing to consider is what you currently have -are you planning a shower door over a bathtub or for a freestanding shower unit? For a bathtub … [read more]

Category: Glass Fittings
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How Many Different Glass Ornaments Do You Have?

Stained Glass Ornament

Glass is a very versatile material and artists have been producing glass ornamentation for thousands of years. Initially glass was discovered in its natural state, but as man discovered how to make and manipulate glass its uses increased dramatically. The earliest ornaments were glass perfume bottles produced around 700BC by the Phoenicians. Today we have glass in use in every room in the house and whilst much of it is for everyday use, we also enjoy the … [read more]

Category: Crystal, Ornaments
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What’s Cool About Touch Lamps?

Touch lamps are the magic lamps that require no switch to operate. Aren’t they cool! All you have to do is touch the lamp base which is usually made of metal to turn the light on or off (and also to change the brightness). This works due to capacitance- storage of charge. Basically the human body has an amount of capacitance and when the lamp is touched the overall capacitance of the lamp is changed and that is used to activate the lamp. Most of these kinds of lamps have the ability … [read more]

Category: Lighting
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What Your Scent Bottle Says About You?

Scent Bottle

I don’t know about you, but my bathroom vanity is cluttered with all sorts of bits and pieces. Mostly it’s to do with make up and perfumes, jewelry and such, but I do have the occasional ornament that I just love and one is my small glass scent bottle. It is a beautiful thing made of glass with silver around the base and a traditional stopper rather than an atomiser. The glass is frosted but I can still see through to check … [read more]

Category: Anything Else, Ornaments
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Do You Need A Full Length Mirror?

Modern Full Length Mirror

In these days of space saving gadgets and with everything getting smaller all the time, is a full length mirror a necessity or can it be replaced with a compact or wall mirror? I believe that every house need a full length mirror – to be completely vain how else can you see the complete picture? Now not everyone has a fashion diva (aka teenage child) to contend with and they may consider that a full length wall mirror that takes up most of the wall is a bit of overkill. I would disagree – everyone needs … [read more]

Category: Mirrors
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Murano Glass Beads For Your Pandora?

Murano Glass Beads Dichroic

Murano has a long history with quality glass making. This Venetian island, close to Venice, has producing gorgeous handmade glass for several centuries.  The first Guild for Beadmaking was started in the 1300’s and the making for beads stems from then. More recently Murano has gained the attention of the fashionable women with Pandora charm bracelets. Pandora has become synonymous with style and is one of the must have jewelry collections of today. Murano glass beads can be found in many … [read more]

Category: Jewelry
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Do You Have A Favorite Candle Holder?

photo courtesy www.sxc.hu paiviti

Everyone has a candle holder these days, in fact most people I know have many more than one! Even my children have multiple candle holders! There is such a choice in style, design, wall mounted or floor, glass, ceramic, wrought iron. It seems as if there are so many to choose from why you would ever need a new one. I have a glass candle holder that just plays the light out so nicely when it is lit, but then my wrought iron candle holder is so elegant with its many hanging l … [read more]

Category: Glassware, Ornaments
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CZ Rings – Are They Glass?

courtesy www.sxc.hu cieleke

As it happens when one thinks of fake diamond rings one often thinks of glass but cubic zirconium is the most common material for fake diamonds. CZ is not glass although not as hard as a diamond it has a lot of the same properties which is why it is often used for fake diamond rings – and other jewelry. CZ is a synthetic gemstone and is not as cheap as it was when it first came out, because nowadays it is so hard to tell the difference between real diamond … [read more]

Category: Anything Else, Jewelry
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The Top Three Healing Crystals

Healing Crystal Wand

Healing crystals are natural crystals for healing and to promote energy and well being.  No-one really knows all the properties that crystals have or understands them, but there is no doubt that they have some unique abilities. Crystals are thought to be susceptible to light and vibration energies and it is these energies that crystal healers believe cause changes to the body’s energy systems promoting healing and well being.  There are many different types of healing crystal each with its own color and crystalline structure and therefore different effect on the body. All these are used in crystal healing … [read more]

Category: Anything Else, Crystal
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Tips On Choosing A Chandelier Light

Chandelier by ngould www.sxc.hu

When we think of chandeliers we think of large elegant rooms usually from ancestral houses. Chandeliers give a touch of class to a room, and your room does not need to be very large for you to use chandelier lights to good effect. There is a large selection of chandelier lights available and they can be anything from the ornate crystal chandelier light, wrought iron black chandelier light or even antler chandeliers. A basic chandelier consists of one tier with some lights mounted on it, decorations of glass and more tiers and designs were added as society developed. Now you can find a 3 light chandelier , a five light chandelier … [read more]

Category: Crystal, Glass Fittings, Lighting
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Glass Lamp Shades – Where Do You Start?

courtesy www.sxc.hu Don'tBblu

There are so many different lamp shades that it is hard to know how to go about looking for new or replacement glass lamp shades.  When looking for a new shade you will be asked about the size of the fitter, which is the diameter of the part of the shade that fits onto the lamp base. These vary with bases and styles. Some styles come in a range of fitters; other styles are typically only made with one size. It is important to understand that you have to measure the widest part of the base or seat, and that the correct shade for that size of fitter will actually measure a smaller number. Confusing isn’t it! Just remember that if your base is a 2 ¾” … [read more]

Category: Glass Fittings, Lighting
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Haven’t You Got Glass Nail Files Yet?

Decorated Crystal Glass Nail Files

What are you waiting for? Glass nail files have been around for over 50 years and whilst glass can be fragile it can also be extremely strong – It’s all in how you use it. There are numerous advantages of using glass for nails; the most compelling is the finish that these files can leave your nails with. They are more even ands smoother than you can achieve with an emery board.  Anyway let’s check them out more … [read more]

Category: Anything Else, Crystal, Ornaments
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All About Window Glass

photo courtesy www.garrisonphoto.org/sxc

This is any glass used for windows and encompasses plain plate glass and glass used for double glazing units. Generally we need window glass to be strong, safe and keep the heat in or out. The glass used in most windows these days is tempered or safety glass, this means that when it is broken it does not break into a few large sharp pieces, but many smaller pieces that are held together. This increases our home or car security whilst making it safer if children fall into it. To keep heat in or out requires the use of double glazed units or using a window glass film which can help to reduce the amount of sunlight … [read more]

Category: Windows
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Do You Have Yours In A Large Martini Glass?

Martini Glass Courtesy elvinstar www.sxc.hu

Everyone has heard of a martini. James Bond brought it into popular culture. There are martini clubs around and many people enjoy mixing their own special recipes. The original martini has no definite origin – some purport it was invented in the 1860s others suggest that it was merely named after the Martini Rosso drink when it first came to America. Whatever the origins ,the well known martini glass did not appear until many years later … [read more]

Category: Glassware
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What To Do With that Plain Glass Vase

glass vase filler

Have you ever received a glass vase as a gift and have no idea what to do with it? The choices are put it away and only bring it out when the person who gave it to you visits or until you have had it for long enough to give it away. Did you know there are lots of ways of using a clear glass vase that you may not have considered? Vases can be filled with almost anything and used as a decorative ornament. You just have to use … [read more]

Category: Ornaments
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Glass Tiles Can Be Used All Around Your House


Glass tiles have been around for many thousands of years. They were used to depict scenes throughout history from Roman villas to medieval fountains.  Today we mostly use glass tiles in our homes and one of the most common forms are glass mosaic tiles.  Glass is popular for tiles because it is strong, hardwearing, and available to many sizes, shades and styles. Glass as a material is almost unsurpassed for interior and exterior appeal. Glass can be easily cleaned, is acid and alkali proof, does not stain or absorb substances, it is mildew and mold resistant and many forms are available that can withstand … [read more]

Category: Glass Fittings
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Glass Blocks For Showers, Windows And More

Glass Blocks

Glass is a truly versatile material and is being used more and more in internal and external building work, as well as in feature effects both inside and outside. Glass bricks are glass cubes that are gaining in popularity both more and more interesting uses. A glass brick shower has been seen in the home improvement magazines, a glass block window is becoming more common, as are glass feature walls in kitchen, hallways and even outside the house. The properties of glass lend it to being used in places where light is important and especially getting light into areas that would otherwise be dark. Glass block walls are great for passing light … [read more]

Category: Glass Fittings, Windows
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Do You Need Glass Block Basement Windows?

Basements can be dark, dull and have too much moisture. Adding a glass block window to your basement can make it much lighter, whilst retaining privacy as well as providing a means to ventilate the basement. This can be the start of changing the use of your basement from storage area to an extra space in your home! … [read more]

Category: Glass Fittings, Windows
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Choosing And Using Glass Bricks In Your Home

Curved Glass Brick Wall

Glass is an amazing material to use for interior or exterior structures, it is strong, but allows light through, it is easy to clean yet waterproof, these days it can even be made fire rated for additional safety. Glass bricks or glass blocks as they are also known are being used both inside the home and outside in some stunning designs. Most of us have seen or heard of glass walls for shower screens, but glass bricks have so many more uses in the kitchen, bathroom, office building use them for entire facades, they are no longer just a plain glass wall. Blocks come on different sizes, shapes, colors and effects. The reasons for choosing glass include the aesthetics and textural appeal of the material, it’s strength, light transmission properties … [read more]

Category: Glass Fittings, Windows
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